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Another important use of ozone is for water...
Ozone is suitable for the storage, preservation, and disinfection of raw materials and finished products in food production enterprises. For example, it can be used for: cold storage disinfection; air purification in production workshops; vegetable and fruit processing, storage, and mold-proof preservation; mineral water sterilization and quality preservation; Disinfection of production water, production tool containers, packaging, etc.; helps food manufacturers pass the GMP and HACCP system certification in the food industry.

Another important use of ozone is in the water treatment process. When ozone is used for disinfection and sterilization of clean water, mineral water, and salt-free water, it can play a role in sterilization, deodorization, oxygenation and taste improvement; it can be removed when used in swimming water purification, reclaimed water reuse, and sewage treatment. The difficult chemicals in the sewage have the functions of decolorization and odor removal; ozone can also prevent the formation of scale and alleviate the corrosion of equipment and pipelines when circulating cooling water.

Therefore, the cost of sterilization with ozone is not high, and food companies can afford it. As consumers' requirements for food quality increase and the country pays more attention to food hygiene and safety, as an environmentally friendly and low-cost antiseptic preservative, the application space of ozone in the food industry will become wider and wider. Experts suggest that the most urgent task is to increase publicity, so that more food companies can understand the benefits of ozone sterilization and the low cost of ozone sterilization.
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