Tel: 86-510-86515678
Aluminum industry and users with Nitrogen 2
Our professionally produced high-efficiency integrated PSA carbon molecular sieve nitrogen generator (SM-PN series), nitrogen purification device (QH, QC series), ammonia decomposition, hydrogen purification device, all adopt the current advanced process flow, with a compact structure, High degree of automation, stable performance, low energy consumption, low noise, no pollution and other advantages.
Service Tel:86-510-86515678
Product Details

Product Features:

◆Low energy consumption
Improve the process : a unique return airflow direction ( to allow the air to run more smoothly and evenly , to improve the efficiency of molecular sieve effect ) ; ranging potential equalizing ( first column of high quality recycled gas quickly when in boost improve the purity N2 ) ; imported high quality carbon molecular sieve , allowing air to nitrogen ratio decreased ( down 15 % or more than their peers ) .

The use of human machine interface, intelligent control , you do is press a button , enabling fully automated unattended operation .


Adopting modular structure, the equipment structure is clear, compact and beautiful, with greater flexibility, which is convenient for future system expansion and reduces current investment costs.
◆High Quality
Imported from Germany, the valve opening and closing time of 0.2 seconds , no leakage , the use life of up to 2 million times to switch over to meet the frequent use of pressure swing adsorption process , and high reliability. Low-noise muffler taken divergent unique technology , noise,

◆Long life 

The unique composite tower structure and the return type air flow direction make the air flow run more smoothly. The gas greatly reduces the impact on the molecular sieve, reduces the wear of the molecular sieve, and has a longer life.
◆Easy installation
Complete device is assembled with the bottom frame , internal piping valves have been connected , the user site positioning equipment installation more convenient compact and compact design to reduce the footprint. In addition, the company can according to different requirements of users , specifically designed to meet the customer’s specific needs. 

山東臨沂豪門鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.99 1 鋁加工部分用戶表
山東紫廣鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.9 1
湖北金洋冶金股份有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.99 1
常熟杰士達鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-20 99.99 1
山東華建鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-30 99.99 1
山東臨朐永呂鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.99 1
杭州銀河焊接材料科技有限公司 SM-PN-5、SMQC-5 99、99.9995 1
廣西來賓銀海鋁材股份有限公司 SM-PN-30 99.99 1
山東濱州活塞有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.99 1
江西豐城市宏成金屬制品有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.999 1
山東臨朐偉盛鋁材有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.99 1
清遠市華南銅鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-30 99.99 1
山東振龍金屬有限公司 SM-PN-25、SMQC-25 99.99、99.999 1
上海益杰輕合金加工有限公司 SM-PN-20 99.99 1
常州凱宏鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-20 99.99 1
青海鋁型材廠 SM-PN-20 99.99 1
山東偉業鋁材有限公司 SM-PN-8 99.99 1
寧波博力汽車零部件有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.999 1
江陰海達集團 SM-PN-30 99.9 1
廣東四會輝耀金屬有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.999 1
昆山長發鋁業(山東)有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.99 1
臨沂市堅盾鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.99 1
福建省漳州安泰鋁材有限公司 SM-PN-8 99.99 1
遼寧營口弘源型材有限公司 SM-PN-5 99.99 1
安信達金屬制品(無錫)有限公司 SM-PN-30、SMQC-30 99、99.9995 1
無錫錫廈光電鋁材有限公司 SM-PN-10 99.99 1
廣西蘋果亞洲鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-20 99 1
廣西南南鋁業有限公司 SM-PN-20 99.9
Previous:  Aluminum industry and users with Nitrogen 1    Next:  Aluminum industry and users with Nitrogen 3

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